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A Vintage Inspired Therapy System
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Bella Bleu Art Gallery & Studio > Ostara and the Sky Temple
Ostara and the Sky Temple

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Price: $22.00
Prod. Code: RH4p

As the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth tilts back toward the Sun, the spring or vernal equinox occurs and signals a time of balance and also a time of anticipation.  The Earth comes alive as warmer weather signals to all forms of nature to return to life.  It is a time of rebirth.  Through time the name Ostara became Eostre or Esotara and much later in time the name became eventually known as our current holiday as 'Easter'.

Ostara themes:  eggs and rabbits, Earth renewal and personal renewal.

Original oil is 11" x 14" on 1 1/2" gallery-wrapped canvas:  $200.00
matted 11'" x 14" prints of Ostara painting are $22.00



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* Consultant your physician before incorporating the use of any integrative, vintage, complementary therapy into your lifestyle. This newsletter is an informational guide and collection of uses from clients, friends, family and books. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.


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