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A Vintage Inspired Therapy System
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Bella Bleu Art Gallery & Studio > Note Card Set Lavender Inspiration
Note Card Set Lavender Inspiration

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Price: $10.00
Prod. Code: RHNC1

Set of 4 Notecards with envelopes

by Gulf Coast Artist

Rhonda Herring


I created the four lavender scenes from some of my memories of seeing the lavender fields in Europe.  I lived there for a few years and when I traveled by train or car I would pass huge fields in beautiful, stunning colors of lavenders.  Those are not scenes that you could ever forget!  I still remember seeing the wind blow across the colored fields.  I love and use the essemtial oil of lavender all the time and now that scent and the remembered scenes have melded into a wonderful sensory experience for me.



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* Consultant your physician before incorporating the use of any integrative, vintage, complementary therapy into your lifestyle. This newsletter is an informational guide and collection of uses from clients, friends, family and books. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.


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