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Bella Bleu Art Gallery & Studio > Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver

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Orig. Price: $17.00
Sale Price: $17.00

Dream Weaver is the first in a series of three oriental portraits painted by artist Cecily Cummings.  Cecily is a well known portrait artist who has painted a number of series of paintings using her painting skills to bring fantasy and magic to her art.

In Dream Weaver Cecily use a combination of darks...black and gray color schemes to portray the mystery that is the Geisha.  The world of the Geisha is a hidden world and Cecily wanted to bring that mystery to everyone.  As you view the painting you see not only a beautiful young woman but you can imagine a story about her.

The Dream Weaver... weaves a world of magic and dark mystique...

The Dream Weaver exudes a sense of black, dark, invisible power and weaves them into her very personality.  She is like a dream, beautiful but seemingly not real but indescribable and distant.  This trait gives her the dark mystique that sets her apart.



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* Consultant your physician before incorporating the use of any integrative, vintage, complementary therapy into your lifestyle. This newsletter is an informational guide and collection of uses from clients, friends, family and books. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.


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