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Bella Bleu Art Gallery & Studio > Blue Heron
Blue Heron

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Price: $17.00

The "Blue Heron" is the third painting in the series of beautiful oriental portraits painted by artist Cecily Cummings. 

Inspired by the book "Memoirs of a Geisha" and the movie Cecily wanted to create a sense of the mystery and beauty of this beautifully culture. 

In "Blue Heron" she uses the soft and elusive color of blue which is a color that is of the sky and of water.  That is the nature of the Blue Heron.

Does the beauty in the portrait fly or does she swim?  Or is she of two worlds?  Sometimes we think we catch a glimpse of her along the shore.  Other times we imagine we see her taking flight as we peer up into the sky.  We are never quite sure of just what we have seen!

The little Blue Heron is caught in two worlds.  She is of two identities.  She can be one or the other and she can be both to survive.  She lives in the world but as a Geisha she lives in a world that no one else knows exists.  It is the world of the Geisha.  It is the world of the Blue Heron.



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* Consultant your physician before incorporating the use of any integrative, vintage, complementary therapy into your lifestyle. This newsletter is an informational guide and collection of uses from clients, friends, family and books. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.


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